building steps
retro futurist generator

  • concept art

    created an idea for the top console using procreate (what I use for all my concept art)

  • sketchup

    after a concept is drawn up, I drew up some plans and elevations in sketch and colored them in photoshop

  • cnc machine

    using v-carve, I designed the top console with many holes to fit cables and lights through, and even reused the circles as buttons later on

  • build frame

    to help the console stand up, I needed to build a secure frame of 2” X 2” STRAIGHT AND ANGLED CUT WOOD. I THEN cut all the facing to what
    the sides required

  • paint

    to make all the sides line up in 3d, I spray painted the sheets in a line with many layers of painters tape to keep a cubism look

  • build buttons

    to build the button panel, I used the cmc machine to cut out all of the small holes and I measured the distance between the board so they we're all clickable for the actors

  • decorate interior

    for the console and many of the props in this film, I bought cheap electronics and broke them apart for their wires and circuit boards

  • finish electrical system

    to finish, I threw six puck lights into the generator plus different metals and textures to create a nice glossy shine interior


camp signs.